Case Study: Getting Results for a Fast-Growing Hospitality Company

Case Study: Getting Results for a Fast-Growing Hospitality Company

While many hospitality businesses seek out general IT services to support their locations, working with a provider that specializes in serving retail, restaurant and lodging sites (like Cenetric) will make a bigger impact.

Our experience and agility were the keys to success with one particular hospitality client that has been operating restaurants, retail stores, and lodging sites at properties across the United States for nearly 30 years.

Case Study: Getting Results for a Fast-Growing Hospitality Company

The challenge

When we began working with our client, they were using a wide range of point-of-sale (POS) systems and property management systems (PMS) to support their operations across dozens of properties.

This mix of systems meant that standardizing operating procedures and supporting each location was difficult. No two set-ups were alike, making it a big challenge to train employees consistently and implement best practices across the company.

How Cenetric helped

To keep each location’s systems up and running for customers and employees, we provide managed services, including help desk services, remote services, management, monitoring, and network support and security. We also provide strategic technology guidance to help them operate as efficiently and profitably as possible.

We optimized their technology operations in a number of areas, including:

  • Integrating OpenTable into some food and beverage locations, making reservations and guest management easier.
  • Integrating lodging phone systems with their PMS, allowing them to offer automated wake-up calls and provide room status updates for housekeeping.
  • Integrating their retail POS system with their web store, creating a more robust online shopping experience.

Case Study: Getting Results for a Fast-Growing Hospitality Company

The results

Cenetric took our client from 14 different systems at the start of our engagement to just five systems across more than 50 locations today.

Consolidating their systems has not only brought more efficiency to the business, but it’s given our client more leverage in vendor negotiations, resulting in better pricing, priority support, and more input into new features.

Cenetric is happy to be a part of the company’s rapid growth — we’ve set up three new retail locations, five new restaurants, and two new hotels for them so far in 2024, and it’s only March!

Case Study: Getting Results for a Fast-Growing Hospitality Company

The Cenetric difference in the hospitality industry

At Cenetric, we’re able to solve the complex challenges hospitality businesses face because we have the experience to steer you in the right direction.

Although we’ve worked with some of the biggest vendors in the industry, we’ll never force you to use any particular one because we’re vendor-neutral. We’ll evaluate all the options to find the best solution for your needs and situation, and we always stay focused on what’s right for your business.

If you need guidance to improve your hospitality IT operations, Cenetric has the experience and availability you’re looking for. Tell us about your challenges and we’ll be in touch to get started right away.

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