Lake Highlands Church

Client Spotlight: Lake Highlands Church

By Dave Warner, Systems Engineer at Cenetric

Lake Highlands Church in Dallas was struggling with something lots of organizations do: poorly set up Wi-Fi that made their daily operations slow and unproductive. Between dozens of staff members and hundreds of members, users weren’t able to work or worship the way they should.

Technology plays a big role in today’s church experience — creating big headaches if it’s not working well. At Lake Highlands, church staff couldn’t work efficiently throughout the building or use important applications easily. Members couldn’t access the resources they needed to participate, and the worship team couldn’t easily use the technology they needed to create engaging services. 

The church’s previous managed service provider and their internet provider kept pointing the finger at each other for the situation, leaving the church no closer to a resolution. Frustrated, Lake Highlands leaders reached out to Cenetric. 

Lake Highlands Church

How Cenetric helped

A Cenetric team member flew to Dallas, fixed the problem in a few hours, and got back to Kansas City all in one day. We discovered the network had been set up incorrectly with access points too close together, along with a number of other issues. 

Cenetric set up a new switch, gateway and access points — properly spaced this time — and now the church staff has fast, stable coverage in every room of the building. They can finally give members the engaging experience they want without technology getting in the way.

The network is still going strong, every day. Since fixing the setup in January 2023, Lake Highlands hasn’t needed us to address the situation again. 

Cenetric can keep your services running smoothly

Whether your church has an IT team that needs a hand or you need fully managed services to take the whole tech burden off your shoulders, Cenetric is the team to help. We’ve been working with churches throughout our 15+ years of service and understand the unique challenges you face.

If you’re in Kansas City, Dallas, Wichita — or anywhere, really — we can help you stay focused on your church’s important work and serve your community at your best. 

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