Justin Robinson

Employee Profile: Justin Robinson

By Brittany Fugate, CEO at Cenetric

Justin is Cenetric’s Client Success Manager and has been with us for about a year and a half. Before joining the company, he was a stay-at-home dad for four years to two adorable daughters, Evangeline (9) and Genevieve (6).

He’s a jack of all trades, having worked in retail and restaurants and even as a valet and chauffeur.

“You name it, I’ve done it,” he says. “I’ve been working in inventory control, warehouse management and shipping/receiving for about 20 years with companies like CVS Specialty Pharmacy and REI. Before that, I survived 3 Christmases at Toys R Us.”

Meet Justin!

Tell us about your work at Cenetric

I have several responsibilities, but I mostly take care of all of the physical inventory here at the office and keep track of our assets at client sites. I’m also in charge of keeping our office employees stocked with everything they need to do their best work, including supplies and snacks. Whenever anyone needs anything, I get it for them.

What’s your favorite aspect of your work?

The organizing — I love organizing things. Here I get to organize inventory data and all sorts of other things. I even get to organize parties.

It’s come in handy with a new duty I recently took on: cabling. I install the network systems and cables for new client locations (making sure it’s done nice and neat of course).

What’s your favorite thing about the company culture at Cenetric?

The support. I’ve worked many places and I’ve never felt as supported as I do here.  

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I like hanging out with my kids. I also enjoy anything outdoors, like hiking, camping and playing at the park. When I’m inside, I enjoy playing games and watching classic TV shows.  

Justin Robinson

If you could hang out with anyone for a day (living or dead), who would it be and why?

Actor Alan Tudyk. He seems like a very interesting and fun person — he’s a Julliard-trained actor who is never “too good” for any role. He was even the voice of Hei Hei, the rooster from “Moana,” as well as many other voices in the new run of Disney movies. He’s now in a show called “Resident Alien” that’s amazing.

What’s your favorite Kansas City restaurant?

KMachos. I think it might be my favorite in part because it’s the first restaurant I went to after buying my first house. Their nachos are amazing!

What’s your favorite Kansas City place to go?

In Kansas City, it would have to be Union Station, but if you consider the surrounding area, it’s  O’Malley’s Pub in Weston and Weston in general. That whole area is great.

Our team of experts is here to help

Justin is just one member of the amazing team we have here at Cenetric. We’re all committed to delivering outstanding IT services — and being an active part of our community while we do it.

Looking for IT support from an employee-focused, hometown Kansas City provider? Cenetric has the experience and availability you need to run smoothly 24/7. Tell us about your business and we’ll be in touch to get started right away.

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