Carrie McCrea

Although Carrie McCrea is new to the Cenetric team, she’s already become a powerhouse of knowledge about the technology issues of small businesses. She’s no stranger to the IT world — before joining Cenetric, she spent 25 years in sales in the healthcare IT industry.

As Cenetric’s Business Development Representative, she spends her days talking with business owners about the IT challenges they experience each day — and how Cenetric can solve them.

Tell us about your work at Cenetric

I connect with businesses that can benefit from Cenetric’s services and share Cenetric’s approach to managed services. I love meeting new people and learning about their businesses.

What’s your favorite employee benefit Cenetric provides?

I love that the company gives time off for volunteer work and encourages us all to give back to the community.

What’s your favorite thing about the company culture at Cenetric?

The people!  Everyone truly cares about the Cenetric clients.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I love to play golf, garden, and work on interior design.

If you could hang out with anyone for a day (living or dead), who would it be and why?

Fashion icon Iris Apfel because she lived an incredible life of creativity and color!

What’s your favorite Kansas City restaurant?

I love Jalapeno’s — I could eat Mexican food every day!

What’s your favorite Kansas City place to go?

I enjoy watching all KC sports, but I especially love the Royals. I also enjoy going to the Overland Park Arboretum & Botanical Gardens.

Our team of experts is here to help

Carrie is just one member of the amazing team we have here at Cenetric. We’re all committed to delivering outstanding IT services — and being an active part of our community while we do it.

Looking for IT support from an employee-focused, hometown Kansas City provider? Cenetric has the experience and availability you need to run smoothly 24/7. Tell us about your business and we’ll be in touch to get started right away.

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