What Projects Can an MSP Help You With?

What Projects Can an MSP Help You With?

By Dave Warner, Systems Engineer at Cenetric

Most of us have a list of to-dos around our house that are better left to an expert, like fixing a broken light fixture or patching a leaky roof. Or maybe it’s something you just can’t get around to, like building those garage shelves.

At home, those are the times you call in a pro to make sure it gets done right. It’s no different when it comes to your business’s IT needs. You have most issues covered and just need an extra (expert) hand with a few things. That’s where a managed services provider (MSP) comes in. 

An MSP can take a lot of different projects off your plate, even if you aren’t an ongoing client. Think of them as pinch hitters when the game is on the line — you want someone you know can get the job done. MSPs can help you with a range of projects, large and small, that you might not know about.

What Projects Can an MSP Help You With?

Phones and VoIP

Voice-over-IP (VoIP) service is an attractive option for many businesses because it provides so much flexibility. You can route calls in just the right way for your business to serve your customers as quickly as possible. 

With remote and hybrid work, business phone lines can be set up anywhere there’s internet access, allowing your team to work from anywhere with the same phone numbers and connectivity. VoIP also saves you money by allowing you to use your existing internet connection instead of paying for phone lines. 

An MSP with deep VoIP experience can often save you even more because they’re experts in networking and will ensure you have the most cost-effective setup possible. 

Low-voltage cabling

Whether you’re moving to a new space or need to set up new equipment like security cameras, audio-visual devices, or data equipment in your existing space, a managed services provider can help you get it done.

You don’t want your staff crawling around on the floor or up on ladders accessing the ceiling – let the pros handle that and be sure it’s done efficiently — and with future needs in mind. (Our team has handled projects like these in even the most remote locations — leading one of our staff members into an unfortunate encounter with a snake. Everyone was fine, though!)

What Projects Can an MSP Help You With?

Cloud and email migrations

Some businesses have opted to host their email and file storage systems on local physical servers because they feel more comfortable with the security and control of these situations. But physical servers need maintenance, updates and periodic replacement to perform at their best.

While an MSP can certainly help you with server maintenance and monitoring if you choose to stick with on-premise solutions, the right one will help you move to the cloud when you’re ready. Hosting your email and files in the cloud means you have access to tighter security, better backup capabilities, more efficient archiving and storage, and more flexibility and scalability. 

If you can’t decide which is best for your business, an MSP can evaluate your systems and help you make the right choice.

Network build-outs

Even if you have an IT staff, they might not have the experience necessary to build a network strategically that takes care of your needs now and in the future. In this case, it makes sense to let an MSP take this project off your plate. If it’s not done correctly, you could face productivity issues or make unnecessary tech investments as you try to solve speed problems.

A well-built (and maintained) network keeps a lot of problems at bay. Work with an MSP with expertise in network design so you can start your network out right and grow strategically from there. 

What Projects Can an MSP Help You With?

Compliance auditing

It’s a lot of work to make sure your technology meets the compliance requirements of your industry. From GDPR to HIPAA to PCI and more, there’s a lot to keep up with — and you probably don’t have the time to worry about it. But to protect your customers and avoid costly penalties, you have to make sure you’re sticking to the rules.

An MSP can assess your infrastructure and practices to ensure that you’re following all the regulations you’re responsible for and help you complete the required paperwork to stay compliant

What Projects Can an MSP Help You With?

Insurance forms

Your business needs all sorts of insurance to operate responsibly and professionally. But do you have cyberinsurance? And if so, do you have the right policies?

According to Sophos, more than 90% of businesses now carry coverage for cybersecurity events, regardless of their revenue. While some hold standalone policies, others include cybersecurity coverage in a wider business policy.

Common coverage types include:

  • Payment fraud (covers payments you make as part of a phishing campaign or other fraudulent activity)
  • Customer And Employee Data Loss (protects you from damages you have to pay to customers or staff if protected information gets stolen)
  • Third-Party Lawsuits (shields you from lawsuits brought by vendors or customers harmed by an attack)
  • Business Interruption and Extortion (protects you if your business is shut down by ransomware and helps ensure you can get back to business as quickly as possible)

That last policy is one of the most crucial for your business  — don’t leave yourself without it. The right MSP can help you decide which policies you need for your business, determine how much coverage you need, and complete the paperwork properly. They’ll make sure you’re protected without overspending for your needs. 

Side note: Getting a payout from your insurance company in the event of an attack requires that you’ve followed all the requirements of the policy — including having the proper cybersecurity protections in place.

Fourteen percent (14%) of respondents in Sophos’ survey didn’t get all the money they should have from their insurers because they didn’t have the right defenses set up. A managed or co-managed IT services provider can help you make sure you’re protected and covered in the event of a cyberattack. 

Cenetric can help your business as little or as much as you need

Even when you don’t need full-blown IT support, you still might find yourself needing a hand here or there. You and your team might not have the time, expertise or resources to address important projects like the ones we’ve highlighted, but the right MSP can help when you need it.

Whether your project is unique, complex, or just too time-consuming for you to manage on your own, Cenetric has experts who know how to tackle any issue. Tell us about your challenges and we’ll get to work.

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