April 25, 2024 | Brittany Fugate

The Personal and Business Dangers of Phone-Number Spoofing Scams

Phone-number spoofing scams are dangerous. Scammers mask their phone number with the number of a company you’re likely to trust.

April 4, 2024 | Brittany Fugate

It Can Happen to You: Protecting Your Personal Data

To protect yourself from identity theft — both personal and business — the most important step you can take is to safeguard your personal information.

February 1, 2024 | Brittany Fugate

What Is the Dark Web – and Why Should You Care?

The dark web, however, is made up of pages that you need a special browser to visit. These pages have complex web addresses to make them hard to discover — because of the activity prevalent on them, they don’t want to be found.

January 4, 2024 | Brittany Fugate

Four Steps to Soar in 2024 (At Least When It Comes to IT)

2024 is the year you stop pushing your tech to-dos off to the side and follow through. We’ve put together a list of four IT needs to tackle this year to protect yourself and your business — or you might end up kicking yourself in 2025.

November 22, 2023 | Brittany Fugate

Why Your Small Business Needs Cybersecurity Insurance

When it comes to cybersecurity, the best practice is to have the proper protections in place to prevent an attack. But the next-best practice is to have cyber insurance to help you recover.

October 30, 2023 | Brittany Fugate

The Dangers of Social Engineering: What Just One Email Can Do

Sometimes your best friend can turn out to be your biggest foe. In one company’s case, a few simple emails were all it took for one organization to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars.

September 26, 2023 | Brittany Fugate

Filling Out the World’s Longest Four-Page Forms: A Cyber Insurance Guide for the Rest of Us

A good cyber insurance company can help not only cover the cost of any losses; they can also help you navigate the aftermath of an attack, ensure you are protected against any further attacks, and help cover any operating losses caused by downtime after the attack.

September 11, 2023 | Brittany Fugate

Cybersecurity Lingo for Newbies: What You Need to Know

The idea of cybersecurity — and all the technical jargon that surrounds it — can be overwhelming for leaders of growing businesses. You know you need to protect your company’s data and systems, but where do you start? How do you know what to ask for?

May 30, 2023 | Brittany Fugate

3 steps to protect your accounting firm from cyberattack

With all the sensitive, personal information your accounting firm holds about your clients, you’re a juicy target for bad actors. Cybersecurity should be a top priority

April 4, 2023 | Brittany Fugate

3 Ways Law Firms Can Embrace Technology to Get Ahead

Like many, your firm might be skittish about implementing new technologies. If there are barriers to technology adoption by your law firm, you’re certainly not alone. But there’s a big competitive advantage to using technology, and with the right IT experts by your side, you can do it with little hassle — and lots of success.